Table of Contents

Introduction: Trails Leading Me to These Writings

I. Communication Networks & Global Change

  1. Global Grassroots Political Empowerment: Is the Obama Digital Campaign a Model?

  2. Power With Instead of Power Over: How Algorithms Are Affecting Current Digitalized Politics

  3. A World Wired for Telecommunications

  4. The Excitement of Electronic Media

  5. The Power of Print Media

  6. Interactive Technologies: The Potential for Solidarity in Local and Global Networks

  7. Technological Change: A Challenge for Universities, Students, and Communication Professionals

  8. The Role of Collaboration in the Marketplace of Ideas: Information Management Challenges in a Technological World

  9. Modern Communications vs. Centralized Power

  10. Telecommunication Networks: Their Impact on Communication Flows and Organizational Structures

  11. Two Views: Experiencing Social Media Across Generations

II. Fact Sheets and Grids

  1. The Concept of Fact Sheets and Their Use

  2. The Network Society

  3. Net Geners

  4. Patriarchy

  5. m-Powerment for Women

  6. Power

  7. Poverty

  8. GRIDS:

III. Broadcasting & Telecommunication Policies

  1. My Multimedia Marriage

  2. On Target: Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS)

  3. A Direct Broadcast Satellite Delphi Study: What Do the Experts Predict?

  4. Direct Broadcast Satellite in America: Its Potential and Policy Implications

  5. Coping with Disaster of Pan Am 103: How Media Audiences Process Grief

  6. A Unique Look at the Berlin Wall: A United Germany as Metaphor for Collaborative Strategic Planning

  7. Collaboration on Global Technical Standards: European Community Telecom Standardization and HDTV

  8. Communications Technologies and the Ethics of Access: Establishing the Global Link

  9. Information Highway Infrastructure is Critical

IV. The Telephone

  1. m-Powerment for Women: The Role of Mobile Telephones in Inclusive Development

  2. Our New Phone Systems: Making Human Connections

  3. Person to Person: Communicating the Human Element in an Electronic Age

V. Book Reviews from Communication Research Trends

  1. 24/7: How Cell Phones and the Internet Change the Way We Live, Work, and Play

  2. Inside the Digital Revolution: Policing and Changing Communication with the Public

  3. A New Literacies Sampler

  4. How to Think About Information

  5. Enterprise 2.0: How Social Software Will Change the Future of Work

  6. The Information Society: Cyber Dreams and Digital Nightmares

  7. Story Circle: Digital Storytelling Around the World

  8. Googled: The End of the World as We Know It

  9. The Digital Public Sphere: Challenges for Media Policy

VI. Some Communication/Dialogue/Technology Travels

  1. On the Road

  2. A Postcard from Hollywood

  3. Traveling to Asia for Enlightenment

  4. Discovering Mysticism and Modernity in India

  5. Reflections from the Russian Border

  6. From “Checkpoint Charlie” in Berlin

  7. How Berlin and London Have Changed Me

VII. Personal Reflections

  1. Collaboration in a World of Conflict

  2. On Reconciliation – Taizé

  3. On Cooperation

  4. On Solitude

  5. Is Our Education as Good as the Computers We Use?

  6. Technology Alters Our Educational Landscape

  7. My Teaching Philosophy

  8. Do We Seek Information or Life’s Meaning in Our Media?

  9. Practical Tips for Surviving in a Media World