Table of Contents

Introduction: Churches Face a Digital Culture

I. A Listening Church

  1. Communication & Collegiality in the Age of Francis

II. A Digital Church

  1. Telecommunication Networks: Their Impact on Communication Flows and Organizational Structures (Including Religious Institutions)

  2. Storytelling in a Digital Age

  3. A Homily at Trinity College Chapel, Dublin, Ireland

  4. A Brief History of Communication in the Catholic Church

III. An Interactive Church

  1. Intranets Can Support an Interactive Church

  2. Our Challenge: Reforming Systems of Communication

  3. Re-Framing Our Communication Ministries

  4. Forums for Dialogue: Teleconferencing and the U.S. Catholic Church

  5. The Catholic Church and the Internet

  6. The Catholic Church Shuts Down Its Satellite Network

  7. Ethical Coalitions for Change: Building a Better World with New Technologies

  8. Theology: The ‘Ground’ of Our Communication Activity

  9. International Study Commission on Media, Religion and Culture

IV. Theology and Technology in Churches

  1. Introduction

  2. Convergence of Media and Religion

  3. The Bible and Popular Culture

  4. The Electronic Bible

  5. Bible Study and Multiple Intelligences

  6. Change: How to Handle It

  7. Change and Leadership

  8. Communicating Through Silence

  9. Language as Communication

  10. Communicating with Jesus

  11. Jesus Experienced Visually

  12. Consensus Building in Our Lives and Churches

  13. Dialogue as Common Ground

  14. Ecumenism as a Communication Process

  15. Doctrinal Development Through Dialogue

  16. Image in Film and Video

  17. Video Culture and Parish Life

  18. Computers as the New Stain Glass Windows

  19. Meaning-Making Through Media

  20. Music in Religion and Culture

  21. Network Power

  22. Networks and Structural Changes

  23. Mindfulness: Letting Go

  24. Practical Theology

  25. Public Discourse and Religion

  26. Reception in Media and Church

  27. Conversations in Graced Communities

  28. Evangelization, Communication and Theology

  29. New Evangelization

V. Searching and Finding Dialogue

  1. In Search of Dialogue

  2. Gender Differences in Dialogue

  3. Dialogue as Thinking Together

  4. Building the Kingdom Upon Human Dignity

  5. Excerpts from Voices of Courage: International Stories of Women in Communications

  6. Sister Angela Ann Zukowski, MHSH, D. Min.

  7. Women, Poverty, Cell Phones and Aid

  8. Communicating in Dialogue (CID): Workshops for Local Faith Communities

  9. Project: Building Learning Faith Communities (LFCs)