Practical Tips for Survival in a Wired World

1. Pull the plug occasionally! Adults (and even some students) have told me they find it increasingly necessary to preserve areas/times of silence in an information-overload world. Give yourself information-free moments and holidays.

2. Study and strategize for the impact of a new-technology world on your own job status and security. Be prepared for change. Get ahead of it.

3. Let’s help our youth who are struggling to remain stable with the tools they need in an Information Age. We need to re-value the traditional thinking and analytical skills while we also prepare students for practical job realities. Individuals and corporations need to work with educational institutions, to help reinvent education for the challenges of a wired world.

4. Many of us will need to re-tool (in school settings, on-the-job, or through distance learning networks) to remain current and on-top-of the wired world.

5. Institutions of all kinds (corporate, governmental, religious and educational) will have to reinvent themselves -- becoming more decentralized, more equipped for team projects in boundary-less arenas.

6. Corporations can get ahead with information technology in telemarketing, customer service, training, sales, better financial management, product development, developing a new business.