Religion, Media, And Culture: A Reader, Gordon Lynch And Jolyon Mitchell, Eds., Routledge, 2012

Introduction: Sophia Marriage and Jolyon Mitchell 

Section 1: Identity, Media, and Religion

1. Stewart Hoover: Religion, Media, and Identity: Theory and Method in Audience Research on Religion and Media

2. Lynn Schofield Clark: Funky Religion

3. Jim McDonnell: Desperately seeking credibility: English Catholics, the Media, and the Church

Section 2: Conflict, Media, and Religion

4. Rosalind Hackett: Managing or Manipulating Conflict in the Nigerian Media

5. Rubina Ramji: Representation of Islam in North American Mass Media: Becoming the 'Other r'

6. Mark Silk: Islam and the American News Media Post September 11

Section 3: Popular Piety, Music and Religion

7. John Ferre: The Media of Popular Piety

8. Jeremy Begbie: Unexplored Eloquencies: Music, Religion and Culture

9. David Morgan: Visual Piety and the Aesthetics of American Mass Culture

10.      Myrna Grant: Christ and the Media: Considerations on the Negotiation of Meaning in Religious Television

Section 4: Media Literacy and Religion

11.      Mary Hess: Media Literacy and Religion

12.      Danial Stout and David Scott: Mormons and Media Literacy: Exploring the Dynamics of Religious Media Education

13.      Franz Josef Eilers: The Communication Formation of Church Leaders as a Holistic Concern

Section 5: Film and Religion

14.      Steve Nolan: Towards a New Religious Film Criticism: Using Film to understand Religious identity rather than locate cinematic analogue

15.      Gaye Ortiz: The Catholic Church and its attitude to film as an arbiter of cultural meaning

16.      Jorg Herrmann: From Popular to Arthouse: And analysis of love and nature as religious motifs in recent cinema

17.      Christopher Deacy: Paradise Lost or Paradise Learned? Sin & Salvation in Pleasantville

Section 6: New Media and Religion

18.      Heidi Campbell: Approaches to Religion Research in Computer—mediated Communication

19.      Alf Linderman and Mia Lovheim: Internet, Religion, and the Attribution of Social Trust

20.      Cees Hamelink: The Decent Society and Cyberspace

21.      Gregor Goethals: Myth and Ritual in Cyberspace

22.      Peter Horsfield: Electronic Media and the Past-Future of Christianity

Section 7: Media Ethics and Religion

23.      Robert White: The Emerging 'Communitarian' Ethics of Public Communication

24.      Clifford Christians: Cross-Cultural Ethics and Truth

25.      Hamid Mowlana: Foundation of Communication in Islamic Societies

26.      Mark Fackler: Communitarian Media Theory with an African Flexion

27.      Richard Holloway: A Brief Look at the Ethics of Broadcasting

28.      Jolyon Mitchell: Emerging Conversations in Media, Religion and Culture

Annotated Bibliographies

Frances Forde Plude
Communication Theology

Clifford Christian
Media Ethics

Steve Nolan
Film and Religion

Heidi Campbell
New Media and Religion