Belief In Media: Cultural Perspectives On Media And Christianity

Edited by Peter Horsfield, Mary E. Hess and Adán M. Medrano, Burlington VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2004.

[Most of these essays were written by members of the International Study Commission on Media, Religion, and Culture.]


List of Figures 


Media, Culture and Religion: An Introduction, Peter Horsfield

Part I: The Cultural Perspective


Reconceptualizing Religion and Media in a Post-National, Postmodern World: A Critical Historical Introduction, Lynn Schofield Clark

Theology, Church and Media – Contours in a Changing Cultural Terrain, Peter Horsfield

Because God is Near, God is Real: Symbolic Realism in U.S. Latino Popular Catholicism and Medieval Christianity, Roberto S. Goizueta

Notes on Belief and Social Circulation (Science Fiction Narratives), Juan Carlos Henriquez 

Part II: Mediated Christianity


Pentecostal Media Images and Religious Globalization in Sub-Saharan Africa, J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu

Identities, Religion and Melodrama: A View from the Cultural Dimension of the Latin American Telenovela, German Rey

Visual Media and Ethiopian Protestantism, David Morgan

From Morality Tales in Horror Movies: Towards an Understanding of the Popularity of West African Video Film, Jolyon Mitchell

Religion and Meaning in the Digital Age: Field Research on Internet/Web Religion, Stewart M. Hoover and Jin Kyu Park

Part III: Media Culture And Christian Institutions


Making Religious Media: Notes from the Field, Adán M. Medrano

Rescripting Religious Education in Media Culture, Mary E. Hess

Changes in the Thai Catholic Way of Life, Siriwan Santisakultarm

The U.S. Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Scandal: A Media/Religion Case Study, Frances Forde Plude 

Part IV: An Overview

Major Issues in the Study of Media, Religion and Culture, Robert A. White

