Ariccia Conference: List Of Participants & Topics
1. Carlos Coupeau
Communication, Spirituality and Bologna Process
2. Norman Melchor Pena, SSP
Elements of a Theology for the Instruments of Social Communication
3. Joseph Palakeel
Theologizing in the Multimedia Culture: Towards a Communication Theology
4. Paul Soukup
Teaching Communication and Theology
5. Norman Tanner
Inter Mirifica (Vatican II): Document, Implementation and Future
6. Jacob Srampickal, SJ
Contextual Theology is an Attempt at Communicating Theology: Formation Attempts
7. Marie Gannon, FMA
Social Communications: Secular Teaching and Church Teachings in the Moral Standards of Communication – Some Common Ground
8. Basilio G. Monteiro
The Language of New Media: Some Theological Reflections
9. José M. Galvan
ICT and The Eternal Beauty of Truth
10. Frances Forde Plude
Moving Toward Communication Theology
11. Giuseppe Mazza
Communicating God, Communicating Like God: The Trinitarian/Incarnational Principle as a Global Communication Analogy
12. László Lukács
The Triune God as Source and Fundament of All Human Communication: A Sketch of Communicative Theology
13. Maria Way
Formation and Location
14. Joseph Faniran
Communication and Theology in Africa: Towards Becoming Partners in Dialogue
15. Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta
A Comparative Approach to the Theology of Communication in Christianity and Islam
16. Jim McDonnell
The Role of Media Education in Ministerial Formation
17. Francis Coffey
Words Are Not Enough: Immediacy in Communication Drives Renewal of Teaching on Revelation
18. Miriam Diez I Bosch
Towards a Church Communication Policy: The Case of Spanish Bishop’s Conference
19. Christine Muggeridge
Toward the Development of a Theology of Communications in John Paul II; Excellence in the Communication of the Faith as Exemplified in the Apostolic Exhortation, Ecclesia in America
20. Msgr. Lucio Ruiz
Finding a Theological Base for Communications
21. José M. de Mesa
Communicating “Revelation-Faith” With Culture in Mind
22. Dr. Thomas A. Bauer
Kerygma and Construction of Sense: Communicative Competence as a Key Concept of a Communicological Interpretation of Ministry
23. Robert A White, SJ
Some Current Challenges Facing Discussions of the Theology of Communication
24. Franz-Josef Eilers, SVD
Communication Challenges of a ‘New Culture’
25. Peter Malone
Theology as a Fine Art
26. Lewicki Tadek
Communication as a Relationship Between Church, World and Culture
27. Anna Maria Yvenez